The Frequently Seen Abbreviation of International Ocean Freight Terms
- 2022-11-17
B/L: Bill of Lading C&F: Cost And Freight
B/R: Buying Rate C.Y.: Container Yard
S/R: Selling Rate C/O: Certificate Of Origin
BAF: Bunker Adjustment Factor CAF: Currency Adjustment Factor
C.C:Collect CFS:Container Freight Station
C.S.C: Container Service Charge CHB:Customs House Broker
C/(CNEE): Consigne CIF:Cost,Insurance,Freight
H/C: Handling Charge CIP:Carriage and Insurance Paid To
COMM: Commodity CPT: Carriage Paid To
CTNR: Container DAF: Delivered At Frontier
DDC: Destination Delivery Charge DDP:Delivered Duty Paid
